Repurposing Steel Structures for Over 30 Years


Repurposing Steel Structures for Over 30 Years






circular economy, Deconstruction, Demolition





At Colemans, we’re committed to minimising waste and maximising resource efficiency. For over 30 years, we’ve been pioneering circular economy practices in the demolition industry, specifically through steel structure repurposing.

This approach not only benefits the environment by reducing demand for virgin materials, but also offers cost-effective solutions for our clients (and for ourselves). In fact, our first steel repurposing job used steel from a client job to erect a new storage facility at our own site at Stechford.

Some of our pioneering projects in steel structure repurposing include:

Taylor Steels, Aston, Birmingham – repurposed to Colemans, Stechford
Our first venture into repurposing back in the 1990s involved dismantling two buildings at Taylor Steels and combining the best elements to create a single, robust storage building at our Stechford site. This project involved re-engineering structural columns and roof structures, demonstrating the potential of salvaged steel long before the industry was focused on a circular economy approach.

ASDA store – repurposed for private developer
Working for ASDA, we meticulously deconstructed a store, salvaging and identifying every usable building element. The steel structure was then re-engineered, repurposed and sold to a commercial developer in Warwickshire.

Kendrick & Jefferson Printworks & BMW Showroom – repurposed for Colemans, Great Barr
This project involved dismantling steel structures from two separate demolition sites, the Kendrick and Jefferson Printworks in West Bromwich and a BMW showroom in Tamworth, Staffordshire. Both structures were meticulously dismantled, tagged, redesigned and re-engineered, before being constructed as industrial warehouse B2 units that are still in operation today at our Shady Lane site in Great Barr, Birmingham.

These are just a few examples of how Colemans has been a leader in circular economy practices within the demolition industry. We continue to develop innovative solutions for reusing and repurposing steel structures, reducing our environmental impact and creating value for our clients.

We’ve been repurposing steel structures for more than 30 years, showcasing a pioneering approach to the circular economy. Whilst our approach and methodologies may have changed over the years, our commitment to safety and maximising the reuse of materials has remained a constant.
Mark Coleman


How can we help?

Want to talk to us about a project or invite us to tender, fill in your details below.