
Reasons behind the rebrand


You will have seen in our recent blog how we launched the new Colemans brand to friends, clients, suppliers and partners at our 60th anniversary fundraising event. It’s a bold but fresh new look and we’re delighted with the initial reaction.

One of the most pleasing things has been the way in which people have already identified some of the reasons behind the rebrand – from our proud Irish roots, to the friendly, personal approach that underpins the way we do business. And in this update, we wanted to explore the reasoning in a bit more detail.

  • A green business with roots on the Emerald Isle: Switching to green for our main corporate colour was a conscious decision that not only promotes our focus on environmental performance and improvement, but reinforces our proud Irish roots too. John and Norah Coleman moved from Ireland to Birmingham before setting up the business in 1962 and the Coleman family still sees Ireland as its spiritual home. 
  • A more informal name: The most significant change has been to switch from The Coleman Group to simply ‘colemans’, better reflecting the personal approach and family values that shape our business. We’re a people-first organisation, placing great emphasis on relationships and wellbeing – a long way from the corporate entity that our old name suggested. We’ve always answered the phone as Colemans – why not put it front and centre?
  • A nod to our recent past: The red full stop in the new Colemans logo also maintains some consistency with the red in our previous Coleman & Co logo, designed by our previous Chairman, David Coleman, almost 60 years to the day of our recent anniversary.  
  • A company you can trust: Finally, we wanted to highlight the relevance of the connected letters C and O in the Colemans logo – not only the first two letters of our name, but also leading into some of our customer working styles too. A leading contractor that really focuses on collaboration and co-working.

Watch our 60th anniversary video

After the success of our 60th anniversary celebration and £64,080.64 final donation to SIFA Fireside, we’ve prepared a video that pulls together some of our most significant moments over the last six decades.

This teaser video includes archive footage and photos dating back to 1962. It’s a fantastic reminder of where we’ve come from to get to where we are today – a major contractor focused on people, innovation, environmental performance, safety and quality, delivering projects successfully across the world.

Watch our 60th anniversary video

Coming soon…Mark’s Demolition Diaries

Last but not least, another reminder of the imminent launch  of ‘Mark’s Demolition Diaries’, an exciting new video series from our CEO Mark Coleman that will cover his love for the industry, recap some of our challenges and successes over the last 60 years, and give a flavour of the culture at Colemans.

The first video will be available to watch on October 31st via this blog and across Colemans’ social media channels. We’ll be launching a new video each month over the next 12 months, with plenty of interesting footage and discussion for you to get involved with.

Let us know what you think. If you have any feedback about our new corporate identity, please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.

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